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Office of Unified Communications

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OUC Training and Development

The Office of Unified Communications' Office of Professional Standards and Development (OPSD) Division operates a world-class training program. As a training hub in the Nation's Capital, public safety partners and emergency communications professionals from across the nation come to the OUC to sharpen their skills alongside us in keeping with industry best practices. We are proud to host learning opportunities with our partners from NENA, APCO, Denise Amber Lee Foundation, Kim Turner LLC, and many more. 

Upcoming Interoperability Training Courses

Course Date  
A Helping Hand: Peer Support in Your Communications Center Tue, September 10  Virtual
Advanced Police Dispatch Fri, September 13 Virtual

To register for an Interoperability Training Course, visit the OUC's Eventbrite Page.

OUC's Dedication to Excellence and Continuous Training