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Office of Unified Communications

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OUC Holds First 911 Telecommunicator Prospect Day

Thursday, May 11, 2023

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Today, the Office of Unified Communications (OUC) held its first 911 Telecommunicators Prospect Day. Prospect Day provides the opportunity for Telecommunicator Equipment Operators applicants, also known as 911 call takers, to sign up for a two-hour time slot to complete multiple steps of the application process.

The Office of Unified Communications welcomed more than 190 applicants to complete the CritiCall Pre-Employment Assessment, participate in on-the-spot-interviews, and tour its state-of-the-art facility.

“We are improving our hiring process to connect with qualified candidates that will serve as the District’s first, first responders” said Acting Director Heather McGaffin.

Currently, OUC has 30 911 Telecommunicator Equipment Operator openings. Telecommunicator Prospect Day, which will be held monthly at OUC, is designed to accelerate the hiring process by up to 50%. Upon arrival, prospective call takers completed the CritiCall Pre-Employment Assessment which is used to measure the underlying skills and abilities a candidate needs to possess prior to the training they will receive once hired. If the applicant passed the CritiCall test, they were immediately given an on-site interview. Once the interview is conducted, the applicant is sent home with a Patient Health Questionnaire to complete before being considered for a conditional offer.

In addition to the expedited application process, OUC is now offering a $2,500 hiring bonus for all Telecommunicator Equipment Operators.

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