(Washington, DC) – 911 Call Taker Desirae Dammons is credited with helping save the life of a woman in cardiac arrest today.
Just after 11:30 AM, panicked employees of the Giant Supermarket on Alabama Avenue, SE called 911 to report a colleague had collapsed in cardiac arrest. The woman, said to be in her mid-40s, was not breathing, according to callers. Dammons calmly instructed the callers on how to conduct CPR, focusing on aggressive chest compressions. She continued to give calm, measured instructions and reassurance until Fire & EMS responders arrived to take over treatment and take the woman to the hospital. At last check, the woman was said to have been revived and was recuperating.
Dammons, who started with OUC in June, 2016, is completing her final day of training. She was presented with the agency’s “Life Saver” pin, given to operators whose actions contribute in saving someone’s life.
“I want to congratulate Desirae on a great job!” said OUC Director Karima Holmes. “Her dedication and commitment exemplify all that is great about our public safety employees.”

Desirae Dammons is pictured with OUC’s “Life Saver” pin on the main OUC Call Floor.