(Washington, DC) The District’s Office of Unified Communications, which coordinates the city’s 911 and 311 services, celebrates National Customer Service Week (NCSW) from October 2 – 6, 2017. During the week, the OUC will celebrate the importance of quality customer service and the city employees who serve and support our customers on a daily basis.
DC911 is the city’s premier emergency call center, handling approximately 4,000 calls per day. DC311, the city’s non-emergency customer service center, provides residents, business owners and visitors with a single source for city information and services, including the ability to submit and track service requests. Residents can call, text, go online or use a popular app to make a service request.
“I am proud of our dedicated group of customer service professionals whose job is to make a positive difference in the lives of District residents and visitors every day,” said OUC Director Karima Holmes. “Our team goes above and beyond when it comes to the delivery of customer service that is both accountable and responsive. National Customer Service Week gives us the opportunity to celebrates their hard work.”
Director Holmes lauds the benefits the agency has realized through a DOES program called L.E.A.P. (Learn Earn Advance Prosper), which helps fulfill Mayor Bowser’s commitment to Pathways to the Middle Class, by linking the city’s unemployed residents with employment, education and training opportunities.
On Wednesday, October 4, OUC will host informational community pop-ups, where citizens can request city services directly with personnel at the following locations:
- DC Department of Human Services
Anacostia Service Center – 9:30 – 11:30 am
2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE
- DC Department of Motor Vehicles
Southwest Service Center - 1 -2:30 pm
95 M Street, SW
- DC Department of Human Services
Congress Heights Service Center - 4 – 6 pm
4049 S Capitol Street, SW